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pit people捕捉英雄攻略: 依、第三个人物,有一个中国的装备,就是用来抓英雄的。初始会有一两个笼子,用完要买笼子 ; 贰、带上笼子,把想抓的怪留到最后,公主走到有笼子记号的格子范围就抓住了。 三、简单说就是,除了你要捕捉的怪,其他怪物都杀掉只剩你要捕捉的怪,就会提示你可以捕捉的笼子图标,你要有带中国的英雄选中他,会提示站在哪能捕捉
1、真诚的友谊好象健康,失去时才知道它的可贵。 Sincere friendship seems to be healthy, but its value is not known until it is lost. 2、在业务的基础上建立的友谊,胜地过在友谊的基础上建立的业务。 Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship. 3、朋友间必须是患难相济,那才能说得上是真正的友谊。 Friends must help each other in order to be true friendship. 4、友谊永远是一个甜柔的责任,从来不是一种机会。 Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. 5、友谊、活跃和青春的歌声会减轻我们的痛苦。 The songs of friendship, activity and youth will ease our pain. 6、帮助朋友,以保持友谊;宽恕敌人,为争取感化。 Help your friends to maintain friendship, five your enemies and strive for inspiration. 7、那些背叛同伴的人,常常不知不觉地把自己也一起灭亡了。 Those who betray their panions often unconsciously destroy themselves together. 8、无需做作和谎言的朋友中间,你才会感到愉快。 You don't have to be a friend of pretence and lies to be happy. 9、友谊之光像磷火,当四周漆黑之际最为显露。 The light of friendship is like phosphorus fire, when it is dark all around. 10、异性友情的发展,就像双曲线,无限接近但永不触及。 The development of heterosexual friendship, like hyperbola, is infinitely close but never touched. 11、友谊是人生的调味品,也是人生的止痛药。 Friendship is not only the spice of life, but also the painkiller of life. 12、友谊既不需要奴隶,也不允许有统治者,友谊喜欢平等。 Friendship needs neither slaves nor rulers. Friendship likes equality. 13、在欢乐时,朋友会认识我们;在患难时,我们会认识朋友。 Friends know us when we are happy, and we know friends when we are in trouble. 14、真诚的友谊好像健康,失去时才知道它的可贵。 Sincere friendship is like health. It's only when you lose it that you know its value. 15、你我间的友情就是彼此一种心灵的感应,是一种心领神会的感悟。 The friendship beeen you and me is a kind of spiritual feeling, a kind of spiritual understanding. 16、这是一条友谊的规律:一旦疑心从前门走进,爱情就会从后门溜走。 It's a rule of friendship: once suspicion enters through the front door, love slips through the back door. 17、开诚布公与否和友情的深浅,不应该用时间的长短来衡量。 Openness and friendship should not be measured by the length of time. 18、友谊建立在同志中,巩固在真挚上,发展在批评里,断送在奉承中。 Friendship is built in rades, consolidated in sincerity, developed in critici *** , and ended in flattery. 19、真正的友谊总是预见对方的需要,而不是宣布自己需要什么。 True friendship foresees each other's needs rather than announcing what they need. 20、友情是装在瓶里的佳酿,无色无味,多年后开启溢出的是那浓浓的情。 Friendship is a good wine in a bottle. It is colorless and tasteless. Many years later, it overflows with strong feelings. 21、在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。 Advise your friends in private and praise them in public. 22、我们的朋友比我们想象的少,却比我们认识的多。 We have fewer friends than we think, but we know more. 23、我们彼此间的友谊将协力维护我们的美誉。 Our friendship with each other will work together to safeguard our reputation. 24、大量的友谊使生命坚强,爱与被爱是生活中最大幸福。 A great deal of friendship makes life strong. Love and being loved are the greatest happiness in life. 25、虚伪的迎合是友谊的毒剂,诚恳的批评是友爱的厚礼。 Hypocritical catering is the poison of friendship, and sincere critici *** is the courtesy of friendship. 26、把友谊归结为利益的人,我以为是把友谊中最宝贵的东西勾销了。 The person who attributes friendship to interests, I think, has cancelled the most precious thing in friendship. 27、友谊只能在实践中产生并在实践中得到保持。 Friendship can only e into being in practice and be maintained in practice. 28、单单一个有智慧的人的友谊,要比所有愚蠢的人的友谊还更有价值。 The friendship of a wise man alone is more valuable than that of all fools. 29、人生最美好的东西,就是他同别人的友谊。 The best thing in life is his friendship with others. 30、友谊像婚姻一样,其维持有赖于避免不可宽恕的事情。 Friendship, like marriage, depends on avoiding unfivable things. 31、友谊是两颗心真诚相待,而不是一颗心对另一颗心敲打。 Friendship is the sincere treatment of o hearts, not the beating of one heart on another. 32、富裕带来荣誉,富裕创造友谊,穷人到哪儿都是下人。 Richness brings honor, richness creates friendship, and the poor are inferior everywhere. 33、要想得到别人的友谊,自己就得先向别人表示友好。 If you want to get friendship from others, you have to show friendship to others first. 34、友情是天堂,没有它就像地狱;友情是生命,没有它就意味着死亡。 Friendship is heaven, without which it is like hell; friendship is life, without which it means death. 35、恋爱使人坚强,同时也使人软弱。友情只使人坚强。 Love makes a man strong, but also weak. Friendship only makes one strong. 36、用不存成见的心情和人交往,才可以交到朋友。 You can make friends only by municating with people without prejudice. 37、当穷神悄然进来,虚伪的友情就越窗仓皇而且逃。 When the God of poverty es in quietly, the false friendship will rush through the window and flee. 38、周围都有好朋友的人,比四面楚歌的人不知幸福多少。 People who have good friends around don't know how much happiness they have than people who are singing all over the place. 39、友谊永远不能成为一种交易;相反,它需求最彻底的无利害观念。 Friendship can never be a trade; on the contrary, it requires the most thorough sense of non-profit. 40、建立和巩固友谊的最好的方法,莫过于互相信赖地闲谈心事与家常。 The best way to build and consolidate friendship is to talk trustfully about one another's thoughts and family life. 41、友情不要求什么,但是,它有一种温暖,是我们都能体会到的。 Friendship does not require anything, but it has a kind of warmth that we can all realize. 42、真挚的友谊犹如健康,不到失却时,无法体味其珍贵。 Sincere friendship is like health, which cannot be appreciated until it is lost. 43、友谊是天地间最可宝贵的东西,深挚的友谊是人生最大的一种安慰。 Friendship is the most precious thing beeen heaven and earth. Deep friendship is the greatest fort in life. 44、友谊是精神的融合,心灵的联姻,道德的纽结。 Friendship is the fusion of spirit, the marriage of soul and the bond of morality. 45、所谓友情,是平等的人们之间离开了利益关系的交易。 The so-called friendship is a transaction beeen equal people who leave their interests behind. 46、友谊!你是灵魂的神秘胶漆;你是生活的甜料,社会性的连接物。 Friendship! You are the mysterious paint of the soul; you are the sweetener of life, the social connector. 47、正如真金要在烈火中识别一样,友谊必须在逆境里经受考验。 Just as real gold is to be recognized in the fire, friendship must be tested in adversity. 48、破裂的友谊虽然能恢复,但却再也达不到亲密无间的程度了。 Broken friendships can be restored, but they can no longer reach the level of intimacy.
Among all the happiness that promise is not a solid foundation for any friendship.
Friendship needs neither slaves nor rulers. Friendship likes equality.
Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship.
A great deal of friendship makes life strong. Love and being loved are the greatest happiness in life.
Make friends in good times, test friends in adversity.
Sincere friendship is like health. It's only e into being in practice and be maintained in practice.
Friendship is al offers to the panions often unconsciously destroy themselves together.
Just as real gold is to be recognized in the fire, friendship must be tested in adversity.
municating others, you have to shorades, consolidated in sincerity, developed in criticism, and ended in flattery.
The best bad ones.
people who want children and grandchildren are not respectful to their teachers. They want to keep their bodies and lose their food and clothing.
Wise people respect others' love for themselves, and stupid people hurt their loved ones.
A little respect for the old is a respect for history; old love for the small is for the future.
To respect others is to respect oneself.
The pursuit of quality, not quantity.
Quality to ers, is our work standards.
The quality of our judgment depends on the quality of our life.
Quality is the accumulation of dedication, efficiency is the crystallization of high quality.
Attraction is the embodiment of the value, the quality is the guarantee of word of mouth.
With first-class corporate culture, to create first-class product quality.
Behavior is the result of the consciousness and the quality of result of behavior.
The quality of an object is a measure of its energy.
If not haggle over every ounce, on quality, more in quantity.
You in with weight of articles, can you feel the quality of life.
Quality is politics, quality is life, quality is worth.
One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. -- English proverb
1个爸爸比100个校长还顶用。-- 英国谚语
I once complained to my father that I didnt seem to be able to do things the same ething insightful to add to the proceedings, or something really funny to say. He also taught me that if I couldnt be that kind of guy in real life, that I could earn a healthy living pretending to be that guy in the movies. -- Kevin Smith, My Boring Ass Life, 06-01-05
I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a fathers protection. -- Sigmund Freud
我想象不出还有什么比父亲的保护更让一个孩子渴求得强烈。-- 西格蒙特-佛洛依德
It is a wise father that knows his own child -- the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example. -- Mario Cuomo
我看到一个小个子男人,双手长满了老茧,每天工作十五六个小时。我曾经见到,按照字面意思理解,鲜血从他的脚底流一出,这个男人来到这里,没有受过教育,孤零零一个人,不会说英语,就是这个男人,单单以他的言行教会了我所需要知道的一切,关于信念,关于辛苦劳作。-- 马里奥-库莫
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