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  明年此时,我们进行英语写作时的心情能够保持初心吗?下面是我给大家整理的明年此时英语范文,供大家参阅!   明年此时英语范文1   Life is changeable, and that's why everyone longs for the future, which is full of challenge as well as hope.   Perhaps I will have achieved my goal this time next year, studying in a senior high school. Despite that, diligence will be still needed to make myself go further in English. Basically, it is important to concentrate in class and take notes carefully. Then, I will benefit from reading English books. What is more, going abroad is of great use in improving my oral English. Only in this way can I progress in English endlessly.   Make plans and go for what I want. And I believe when the challenge is coming, the hope is also around the corner.   明年此时英语范文2   It's exciting to imagine what the happy life will be like.   At this time next year, I will be a senior high student, and I will make a lot of new friends. I hope to be more independent so that perhaps I will be taking part in a summer camp abroad to improve my spoken English. Also I will help my parents do housework in order to know how to take care of myself when I am alone.   Life will be totally different, but I'm really looking forward to it.   明年此时英语范文3   Actually nobody knows what will happen this time next year.Neither will I.However,I wish things will go on like what I want.I hope that I will be more excellent ,not only in study but also in life.That is to say I expect to be better at getting on with others and taking care of myself.In a word,I would like to be prouder of myself.To achieve this goal,I must get braver and more independent.Besides, never be afraid to communicate with strangers and show my ideas actively.To tell the truth,what I need to do is so much that I will try my best definitely.   明年此时英语最为怎么写   Write at least 60words about the topic 'This time next year.’ (以“明年此刻”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格) 明年的这个时候,你的生活会有哪些变化?你对你自己或他人的期望是什么?应该做什么来实现你的期望? (注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分)   整体趋势   今年的英语作文this time next year,让考生谈一谈明年生活有什么变化,以及畅想对自己对他人的期望,并会做些什么。今年的考题一改之前的写建议、写方法、写感受,转向去引导学生畅想未来的记叙文,体裁上还是有些出乎意料的。但从内容来看,却又很在情理之中,中考完的学生马上要面临的就是高中的崭新生活,充满着挑战和变化。这样的命题更贴近学生当下,也能充分激发学生从多角度思考、多层次发挥。   引发热议   “我准备了议论文,结果考了这么感性的作文题。” 育才中学的杨同学表示,这题目可写的范围很广,她在作文中畅想了明年此时,去国外游学的所见所闻。   另一名育才中学的吴同学则写得略“文艺”:“明年此时,我坐在某所高中的教室里,窗外正下着淅淅沥沥的小雨。我跟同学们一起学习、玩耍……但无论如何,最关键的是把握现在,我需要把现在的事情做好。”   “今年英语作文居然来了个情意绵绵!觉得有点难写。”也有考生称,“感觉有点无话可讲,要是用中文2000字我都写得出。只记得作文写了好久,中间还好写了两个努力向上的例子。”   世外中学初三英语老师屠佳恺认为,英语作文题比较贴近学生生活,且是将来时,比过去时、完成时不容易出错,难度不高。从试卷可以看出,中考英语越来越淡化语法,更注重考查学生语言的运用。这是对教学很好的导向,学英语不是死扣语法与词汇,关键在于怎么运用。”   民办立达中学初三英语老师陆贤点评说,今年作文题与一首歌名相似,比较灵活,引导学生畅想一年后的生活。考虑到每个人的成才路径不同,未来生活也是五彩斑斓的,写作空间大。   细节分析   1. 单从题目着手,马上能确定应用的时态,以将来时,将来进行时为主。   2. 其次通过中文的一些说明可以确定文章的组织架构。   三段式中的首段可以先用一些形容词对明年的生活变化有一个概述。   其次body part 可根据题意详细分为以下层次:第一,从现在的生活着手重点谈几方面的变化,如生活上会接触很多新的朋友,新的老师;学习上会有更大的挑战,从被动学到自主学的学习方法的一些转变等。第二,在这样的变化下,对自己和他人的期望。第三,自己有一些什么样的打算,朝什么方向努力,具体的行动。   最后,点题并表达对未来生活的期许和愿景。   3. 想要拿到高分,语言的使用也是一个得分点。学生可以通过巧用过渡词,多变的句式以及名人名言来征服阅卷老师。   做个有心人。中考的作文难度上应该仍然是秉承从学生的生活着手,让学生有话说,有想法的原则。平时可以做个有心人,多去发现生活,多积累一些素材。除了已经发生的也可以多畅想未来,给自己设定写目标。   

我想写一篇 “明年此时”的英语作文 不知道怎么写 求解答

我想写一篇 “明年此时”的英语作文 不知道怎么写 求解答

Actually nobody knows what
will happen this time next year.Neither will I.However,I wish things will go
on like what I want.I hope that I will be more excellent ,not only in study
but also in life.That is to say I expect to be better at getting on with
others and taking care of myself.In a word,I would like to be prouder of
myself.To achieve this goal,I must get braver and more independent.Besides,
never be afraid to communicate with strangers and show my ideas actively.To
tell the truth,what I need to do is so much that I will try my best