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No. 216 Minzhu Xiaoqu, Minzhu Donglu, Chengguan District, Lanzhou, Ganshu, China



英文版兰州正文介绍如下 Lanzhou, Gansu Province 甘肃省兰州市 Lanzhou, capital of Gansu Province, is a major stop on the ancient "Silk Road" west of Xi'an. Situated on the upper reaches of the Yellow River, Lanzhou has been important for thousands of years because of the Hexi Corridor, or “Corridor West of the Yellow River,” in which early Chinese civilization began. About 3,000 years ago, in the Zhou Dynasty, agriculture began to take shape in the basins of the Jin and Wei Rivers that formed the corridor, marking the beginning of the great Yellow River basin civilization. 甘肃省省会兰州是西安西部古代“丝绸之路”的主要站点。兰州位于黄河上游,由于河西走廊或“黄河西岸”,中国早期的文明开始,它已经成千上万年。大约3000年前,在周代,形成走廊的金河和渭河流域的农业开始形成,标志着黄河流域大文明的开始。 Starting in the Qin Dynasty, merchants and traders traveling from Xi'an to central Asia and then on to the Roman Empire, or the other way round, broke their long journey at Lanzhou. To protect this corridor and important communications hub, the Great Wall was extended under the Han as far as Yumen, in the far northwest of present-day Gansu Province. 从秦朝开始,商人和商人从西安到中亚,然后到罗马帝国,或者反过来,在兰州打破了长途旅行。为了保护这条走廊和重要的通讯枢纽,长城在汉族人的范围内延伸至今天甘肃省西北偏远的玉门。 Lanzhou became capital of a succession of tribal states during the turbulent ventures that followed the decline of the Han Dynasty. During this time of turmoil, people began to turn to ideologies that satisfied their need for hope. Taoism developed into a religion, and Buddhism became the official religion in some of the northern states. Buddhist art also flourished, and shrines were built in temples, caves, and on cliffs. From the fifth to the 11th centuries, Dunhuang, beyond the Yumen Pass of the Great Wall, became a center for Buddhist study, drawing scholars and pilgrims from afar. It was a period in which magnificent works of art were created. 在汉代衰落之后的动荡企业中,兰州成为一系列部落国家的首都。在动荡的这段时间里,人们开始转向满足他们对希望的需求的意识形态。道教发展成为一种宗教,佛教成为北方一些州的官方宗教。佛教艺术也蓬勃发展,神庙建在寺庙,洞穴和悬崖上。从五世纪到十一世纪,敦煌,长城玉门关,成为佛教研究的中心,吸引远道而来的学者和朝圣者。这是一个伟大的艺术作品创作的时期。 拓展资料 兰州,简称“兰”,是甘肃省省会,中国西北地区重要的工业基地和综合交通枢纽,西部地区重要的中心城市之一,西陇海兰新经济带重要支点,西北地区重要的交通枢纽和物流中心,是新亚欧大陆桥中国段五大中心城市之一,西北地区第二大城市,是我国华东、华中地区联系西部地区的桥梁和纽带,西北的交通通信枢纽和科研教育中心,丝绸之路经济带的重要节点城市,也是中国人民解放军西部战区陆军机关驻地。 参考资料:兰州—百度百科



Lanzhou, capital of Gansu Province, is a major stop on the ancient "Silk Road" west of Xi'an. Situated on the upper reaches of the Yellow River, Lanzhou has been important for thousands of years because of the Hexi Corridor, or “Corridor West of the Yellow River,” in which early Chinese civilization began. About 3,000 years ago, in the Zhou Dynasty, agriculture began to take shape in the basins of the Jin and Wei Rivers that formed the corridor, marking the beginning of the great Yellow River basin civilization. 甘肃省省会兰州是西安西部古代“丝绸之路”的主要站点。兰州位于黄河上游,由于河西走廊或“黄河西岸”,中国早期的文明开始,它已经成千上万年。大约3000年前,在周代,形成走廊的金河和渭河流域的农业开始形成,标志着黄河流域大文明的开始。 Starting in the Qin Dynasty, merchants and traders traveling from Xi'an to central Asia and then on to the Roman Empire, or the other way round, broke their long journey at Lanzhou. To protect this corridor and important communications hub, the Great Wall was extended under the Han as far as Yumen, in the far northwest of present-day Gansu Province. 从秦朝开始,商人和商人从西安到中亚,然后到罗马帝国,或者反过来,在兰州打破了长途旅行。为了保护这条走廊和重要的通讯枢纽,长城在汉族人的范围内延伸至今天甘肃省西北偏远的玉门。 拓展资料 兰州,简称“兰”,是甘肃省省会。 中国西北地区重要的工业基地和综合交通枢纽,西部地区重要的中心城市之一,西陇海兰新经济带重要支点,西北地区重要的交通枢纽和物流中心,是新亚欧大陆桥中国段五大中心城市之一,西北地区第二大城市,是我国华东、华中地区联系西部地区的桥梁和纽带,西北的交通通信枢纽和科研教育中心,丝绸之路经济带的重要节点城市,也是中国人民解放军西部战区陆军机关驻地。 兰州是古丝绸之路上的重镇。早在5000年前,人类就在这里繁衍生息。西汉设立县治,取“金城汤池”之意而称金城。隋初改置兰州总管府,始称兰州。 参考资料 兰州_百度百科