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因为上海有四通八达的地铁轨道交通,多线路的公交大巴车,极大的方便了出行。还有就是不管是早出晚归,随手叫个滴滴都能有人来接单。生活在上海的人来自世界各地,不同种族,不同肤色,不同民族,但大家都能和平共处,在这座城市种找到属于自己的归属感。 在上海生活是比较安全的,不管多晚,市区街上总有人在。另外治安也比较好,我经常出差很晚回家,打车,或者行走在路上,并不担心自身安全。在上海,只要你肯努力,就不会担心失业或者活不下去。 上海有很多的娱乐场所,公园,酒吧,戏剧院。满足不同层次的人们选择,时不时就有自己喜欢的明星开演唱会,或者来自世界各地著名的演出,都能看到。同时随着上海迪斯尼乐园的开幕,也越来越多的游客过来体验游玩。

2,喜欢上海的理由 作文



上海的大学有:中国人民解放军海军军医大学、上海交通大学、复旦大学、同济大学、华东理工大学、东华大学、华东师范大学、上海外国语大学、上海财经大学、上海海关学院、上海科技大学、上海理工大学等。 一、中国人民解放军海军军医大学 中国人民解放军海军军医大学,简称海军军医大学(第二军医大学),国家“211工程”、军队“2110工程”和原总后勤部“530工程”重点建设院校,首批国家“双一流”世界一流学科建设高校,军队研究生培养重点建设院校,是军队3所设置研究生院的单位之一。 二、上海交通大学 上海交通大学简称“上海交大”,位于上海市,是由中华人民共和国教育部直属、中央直管副部级建制的全国重点大学,是中国历史最悠久、享誉海内外的著名高等学府之一,位列“985工程”、“211工程”、“世界一流大学建设高校”。 三、复旦大学 复旦大学简称“复旦”,位于中国上海,由中华人民共和国教育部直属,中央直管副部级建制,国家“双一流”(A类)、“985工程”、“211工程”建设高校,九校联盟、环太平洋大学联盟、中国大学校长联谊会、新工科教育国际联盟、长三角研究型大学联盟的重要成员。 入选“珠峰计划”、“111计划”、“2011计划”、卓越医生教育培养计划、卓越法律人才教育培养计划、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、全国首批深化创新创业教育改革示范高校,是一所世界知名、国内顶尖的全国重点大学。 四、同济大学 同济大学(Tongji University)简称“同济”,是中华人民共和国教育部直属并由教育部、国家海洋局和上海市共建的全国重点大学,中央直管副部级高校,历史悠久、声誉卓著的综合性、研究型、国际化大学,国家“双一流”、“211工程”、“985工程”建设高校。 五、华东理工大学 华东理工大学(East China University of Science and Technology)简称“华理”,位于上海市,是中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所具有理工特色,覆盖理、工、农、医、经、管、文、法、艺术、哲学、教育11个学科门类的研究型全国重点大学。 华东理工大学是国家首批世界一流学科建设高校,国家首批“211工程”、“985工程优势学科创新平台”重点建设高校,高水平行业特色大学优质资源共享联盟成员, 参考资料来源: 百度百科—上海 百度百科—中国人民解放军海军军医大学 百度百科—上海交通大学 百度百科—复旦大学 百度百科—同济大学 百度百科—华东理工大学








Shanghai this fashion metropolis is quietly changing the earth shaking. The lively transformation project of the Bund, Pudong super skyscrapers, and that in the old neighborhood in petty shops, this one after another big project in Shanghai unveiled the "movement", and added a lot of eye-catching new play point to Shanghai. If you're going to travel to Shanghai in the near future, it's a pity to miss out!
Huaihailu Road is not only famous for shopping, it is also a beautiful scenery along the way, where you can see more valuable cultural landscape. It has a lot of famous people in the vicinity of the former residence and historical protection buildings. At the beginning of May is a small building, but it is about a former history.
The Bund, Shanghai see brilliantly illuminated at night
Night Shanghai is more beautiful than the day in Shanghai, the United States, the United States a thousand times. The ancient buildings in the Bund on a full European style, romantic and charming. The surging river in the Bund before flowing West to East, there is always inexplicable feeling. On the other side of the rapid development of Pudong, where new, in contrast to the old the Bund District, people feel full of vigour in Shanghai. The Bund's night scene makes people seem to be in a fairy tale world, the city of lights......
Pudong 88 storey Jinmao Tower, the Oriental Pearl and crystal clear, blinking light on Vicenza, Shashi spectacular, the size of a ship ship in the river, like a meteor across the river, riotous with colour, its beautiful coat on the lantern, like a new bride on the Yangtze River to tell their own beauty. The Oriental Pearl from time to time shifting colors, like a bright stage spotlight, for the tourists who see dancers. The ear seems to ring out the old song: "night Shanghai, night Shanghai, you are not the night city".
Pupil art, look at the 3D illusion art magic show
3D stereoscopic art exhibition is a novel interactive exhibition, not only to see, but also to play. In the exhibition hall, the audience can through clever stations into 3D to create a three-dimensional space, strange effect and picture appear real blend. Look at the 3D exhibition, a taste of the different art, let you be on the ground, with joy. 3D art exhibition is a zero distance contact 3D art, but also a happy art feast. 3D 3D art exhibition, exhibition magic crazy laboratory, Dr. strange's study, 3D somatosensory games, gravity reversal chamber, the former present mirror, Jackson's 45 room, sofa, shift the head magic terror, there is a small yellow people Oh
Shanghai 3D exhibition is located in Shanghai Huangpu District road Tibet agile International Plaza No. 525 2F (opposite the people's Park, Madame Tussaud's), traffic route: to the people's Square subway station, from exit 19, 200 meters straight to agile International Plaza, 2 floor.
(ps: must remember to bring a camera)
Shanghai science and Technology Museum
By the Shanghai municipal government in the New Century Investment in the construction of the first major social and cultural projects, "natural, human, science and technology" as the theme, to enhance the quality of science and technology for the purpose of Shanghai is an important science education base and leisure tourism base. It is located in the South West of the Century Plaza, century park. 2001 APEC leaders' informal meeting was held here. Shanghai science and Technology Museum, museum, Museum of life by heaven and earth wisdom hall, creating five major exhibition hall, museum and exhibition hall near future. The quest has a crust, biodiversity, wisdom, audio-visual paradise, designer cradle, children park, natural museum Pavilion seven and three-dimensional, IMAX dome, 4D three cinema.
The Oriental Pearl
The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Pudong Huangpu River at the point of Lujiazui, and the the Bund World Expo Group across the river. Tower 468 meters high, ranking first in Asia and third in the world and around the tower on both sides of the Nanpu bridge and Yangpu bridge together to form a Shuanglongxizhu trend, Shanghai has become the symbol of reform and opening.
Town God's Temple, new food products
"To Shanghai not to go to Town God's Temple, is not to Shanghai." People say.
In a corner of Town God's Temple to mouth, mend the bowl, Cooper, dough, write letters, juggling, extraction, and see a diorama of clairvoyante...... These people now have seen them, and snuff bottles, cream bottles, tooth plug, thimble, feather duster gradually retreated as history. It is those handicrafts, enduring, always attract the majority of tourists favor for a long time, maybe this is the quintessence of Chinese culture lies, only those who can process real nation in the history of enduring.
Shanghai global financial center
Walking in the 474 meter high sightseeing day Pavilion, such as the cloud stroll. Overlooking Shanghai, on both sides of Pujiang beauty in fundus, can head up to feel the Oriental Pearl spire, the Jinmao Tower at the foot of the roof. 97 layers of the glass screen can be opened to the top of the bridge, once the weather conditions permit, visitors can directly look up to see the blue sky and white clouds, truly meet the man.
Lujiazui central green space
The center covers an area of 100 thousand square meters is located in Yanan Green Road exit of the tunnel, the core parts in the Lujiazui Financial District, is Shanghai's largest open lawn, known as the "urban green lungs". Area of Lujiazui green turf 65 thousand square meters, there is a cold season grass imported from Europe, evergreen. The central and Northern green dotted with Ginkgo biloba, Magnolia, willow, cedar and other flowers, shrubs, trees plants, full of vigor and vitality. Winds in the green space in the road, outlines the Shanghai magnolia flower pattern, like a marked Shanghai City, Magnolia middle, the center of the lake is 8600 square meters, designed to the shape of the Pudong section of the map. Lake landscape Peng main mast high 28m, Peng shaped white conch, like a sail, in order to give people unlimited reverie.
Duolun Road, century old Shanghai


Shanghai, a Beautiful City
Shanghai is a biggest city in China, located at the mouth of the Yangtse River. It faces the East China Sea.Before liberation of China, it was the Paradise of adventurers'. After liberation it has become an Internationalized Bigalopolis of China. It plays an important role in the socialist construction of China. (words≈51)

Shanghai, Pride of China
Shanghai is a biggest city in China, located at the mouth of the Yangtse River. It faces the East China Sea. Before liberation of China, it was the paradise of adventurers. After liberation it has become an Internationalized Bigalopolis of China.
Shanghai has a culture of embracing new things.It is never afraid of changes and is an obvious leader in innovation. Since the 1990s, having taken the advance of informatization as a strategic measure governing entire modernization development and made consistent efforts for three consecutive five-year plan periods. Shanghai has now enjoyed a leading position in the country, with some indicators reaching the advanced level of developed countries and a batch of new technological achievements being fully shown or demonstrated at the World. (words≈122)



hi all

still remember that?











9,喜欢上海的理由 英语短文

写作技巧:写清楚为甚么喜欢上海,表达对上海的热爱之情。 范文如下: I had only been in Shanghai for a few months when I was pushed onto the stage at a school concert to sing Ye Shang Hai。 当我被推上台演唱《夜上海》时我在上海只待了短短几个月,那是一首描绘上海糟糕的“美好旧时光”的歌曲。 a song from the bad “good old days” of Shanghai. I was awful, and to this day I apologize to Zhou Xuan for murdering her 1937 hit song. 当我被推上台演唱《夜上海》时我在上海只待了短短几个月,那是一首描绘上海糟糕的“美好旧时光”的歌曲。我感觉糟透了,今天我要向周璇道歉,因为我糟蹋了她1937年的热门歌曲。 But learning about the song and getting a cheerful response from the Chinese audience, despite my incomprehensible accent, was a great introduction to this relentlessly robust and enduring city. 但是抛开我糟糕的口音,了解这首歌并从中国听众得到如此热切的回应,正是对这个坚强而又长盛不衰的城市最好的介绍。



