狂欢节,通常是基督教四旬斋前饮宴和狂欢的节日,原由主节一直延长到四旬节前一天,如今通常只限四旬节前几天。盛行于欧美地区。 许多国家都有一个传统的狂欢节节日,化妆舞会、彩车游行、假面具和宴会是狂欢节的几大特色,它起源于非基督徒的节日庆典,如希腊酒神节、古罗马农神节和牧神节以及凯尔特人的宗教仪式等。一般在2、3月份举行。
carnival的读法是英式音标:[ˈkɑːnɪv(ə)l],美式音标:[ˈkɑːrnɪv(ə)l] 拓展知识: 单词释义: 狂欢节,嘉年华会;游乐会,游艺场;激动人心的事物组合,五彩缤纷事物的组合;庆祝活动;(学校的)游园会,嘉年华会[复数carnivals] 短语搭配 carnival parade狂欢节队伍 World Carnival嘉年华 Winter carnival冬季狂欢;冬季嘉年华会 双语例句 1、There is a local carnival every year.当地每年都举行狂欢节。 2、The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle.狂欢节游行场面热烈,蔚为大观 3、It is one moment when artists are judged instead of all being lumped together in a merry carnival.这是一个艺术家被评判,而不是所有人聚集狂欢的时刻。 牛津词典 noun 1、[C,U]狂欢节;嘉年华 a public festival, usually one that happens at a regular time each year, that involves music and dancing in the streets, for which people wear brightly coloured clothes There is a local carnival every year. 2、[C](NAmE) =fairn.(1) 3、[C](NAmE) =fête1 4、[sing.]~of sth (formal)激动人心的事物组合;五彩缤纷事物的组合an exciting or brightly coloured mixture of things
意思是:狂欢节,嘉年华会。 例句1: In the Rhineland and the south, it 's carnival time. 在莱茵兰和南部地区,这几天是狂欢节时间。 解析:这里的carnival翻译成狂欢节。 例句2: They had agreed to see the carnival at Rome that year. 他们是约定来参观那一年罗马的嘉年华的。 解析:这里的carnival翻译成嘉年华。 carnival的同近义词 Dionysia 1)读音 /,daiə'niʃən/ 2)释义 n. (古希腊)狂欢节;酒神节 3)例句 He is the first recorded winner of a prize for tragedy at the Great Dionysia, a drama festival, c. 534 BC. 约西元前534年泰斯庇斯在酒神节(戏剧节)上第一个获得悲剧奖。